• Eat 5 Day

    If you have any questions for Aramark, please contact:

    Karen Seikovsky
    On-site Food Service Director                          

    Deirdre McManus RD, CDN                            
    General Mgr of Food/Nutrition Svcs               

    Bob Hirschauer 
    Sr. District Manager



    • Meals offered to students must have 5 components:  Grain, Meat/Meat Alternate, Fruit, Vegetable and Fluid/Milk.  Students MUST now select at least 1 fruit OR vegetable Serving
    • Fruits and vegetables are now considered two separate groups, with increased serving sizes/day and number of servings/week of each required.
    • Vegetables are now divided into sub-groups, with minimum daily and weekly requirements for each sub-group.
    • One-half of grains must be whole grain; all grain products have to contain at least 51% whole grain.


    • Meals offered to students must have 4 components: Grain, Meat/Meat Alternate, Fruit or Vegetable, and Fluid/Milk.  Students MUST select at least 1 fruit OR vegetable serving.
    • Schools may substitute Meat/Meat Alternates after the minimum daily grain requirement is met.
    • One-half of grains must be whole grains at implementation of final rule; all grain products have to contain at least 51% whole grain.


    Parent Resources






    To see a Fact Sheet on modifying a recipe to make it healthier, Modifying a Recipe to Make it Healthier

    Healthy Food Ideas for school snacks & celebrations, Healthy Food Ideas



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