Social Studies
Social Studies Department Objectives and Goals:
Social Studies is the study of individuals, communities, systems, and their interactions across time and place that prepares students for local, national, and global civic life.
The primary purpose of a Social Studies education is to help young people to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. Using an inquiry-based approach, Social Studies helps students examine vast human experiences through the generation of questions, collection and analysis of evidence from credible sources, consideration of multiple perspectives, and the application of Social Studies knowledge and disciplinary skills. As a result of examining the past, participating in the present, and learning how to shape the future, Social Studies prepares learners for a lifelong practice of civil discourse and civic engagement in their communities. Social Studies centers knowledge of human rights and local, national, and global responsibilities so that learners can work together to create a just world in which they want to live. (NCSS, 2023).
Within North Salem High School’s program, Social Studies provides coordinated, systematic study that draws upon such disciplines as History, Geography Economics, Government and Citizenship, the Social Sciences, Ethnic Studies, Human Rights and Social Justice, Financial Literacy, and Contemporary Issues.
Here's a link to the New York State Common Core Social Studies Framework for Grades 9-12.
After successful completion of middle school social studies courses, four years of Social Studies are required at the high school level for all students. The curriculum follows the guidelines established by the Regents of New York State Education Department.
- Grade 9 Global History and Geography I
- Grade 10 Global History and Geography II
- Grade 11 U.S. History and Government
- Grade 12 Participatory Government (one semester) and Economics (one semester)