Non-Public Transportation Deadline
Transportation expenditures need to be incorporated into a school district’s budget. The Department of Education directs all public school districts to accept all parental requests for transportation to charter and non-public schools submitted on or before April 1.
Bus Loading Areas At School
Please do not endanger your child by picking up or dropping off your children in the bus loading or unloading areas. Do not walk or allow your child to walk behind, in front of, or between the buses. Please use designated crosswalks. There are specific areas for you to park, pick up and/or discharge your children — please use them.
- Never park in the bus loading areas.
- Never pass a stopped school bus with flashing red lights.
Parents are reminded of the following information:
- Review the Bus Safety and Conduct Rules with your children and be sure that they understand them.
- Call the Transportation Office immediately at 914-669-5854 if you have any questions.
- Help us by doing your part as a member of the motoring public; obey all laws and drive defensively.
- Accompany your very young child, or children, coming to school for the first time, to and from the bus stop at least during the first week of school or until you feel confident that they are capable of going by themselves.
Students, with written permission from their parents or guardian submitted by July 15, may be transported on buses other than their own bus route to alternative sites, as long as the capacity of the vehicle is not exceeded and it is a scheduled route.
Only requests that are of extreme need will be considered, i.e., no birthday parties, scouts, dancing or musical instrument lessons, visiting or other non-school related activities. Students who are dropped off at a bus stop other than their regular one must have a written permission slip from a parent or
If your child misses the bus, do not attempt to chase it down. For safety, please drive your child directly to school.
Should you have questions, please call either the Director of Transportation at
914) 669-5414 ext 1038 or the
Bus Garage at (914)669-5854
, Fax: (914) 669-5423
Bus Identification System
Routes are identified by specific numbers. The route number is displayed on a card located on the right hand side window of the bus. Please be sure your child is aware of this system.
Students attending Harvey, Rippowam/Cisqua, Wooster, JFK, Immaculate, BOCES Tech Center and St. Patrick's Yorktown will come in on the high school buses and then transfer to shuttle buses at PQ Elementary School.
Student Bus Rules & Regulations
- Be at your bus stop 10 minutes before the bus is due.
- Buses will not wait at stops for tardy students. If you are late, do not chase the
- bus. Please drive your child directly to school.
- WAIT FOR THE BUS in a safe spot off the roadway and in an orderly manner.
- Respect the property of others!
- DO NOT APPROACH THE BUS until it is completely stopped. Then, you may
- enter in a single file in an orderly manner and then quickly take your seat.
- SEAT BELTS must be worn properly at all times.
- REMAIN IN YOUR SEAT while the bus is in motion. Do not change seats.
- BE COURTEOUS to your driver and fellow passengers. Yelling, fighting,
- horseplay or throwing things are not allowed. Profane language and other related infractions will not be tolerated and result in disciplinary action.
- No eating, drinking, or smoking on the bus at any time.
- DO NOT EXTEND HEAD, HANDS, ARMS or any portion of your body from the window or extend/throw any other objects out windows at any time.
The following items are a partial list of items that CANNOT be carried on the school bus at any time:
Baseball bats, poles, field hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, sticks of any description, knives or other sharp objects, guns (or any weapons), animals of any description regardless of the container they might be carried in, glass objects, chemicals, or large musical instruments. Generally speaking items that can be carried on the bus are those things necessary for the school program (that are not ruled out on the list above) and are of a size that can be safely contained in a book bag on the individual’s lap. There are no exceptions.
When it is necessary to cross the road when entering or leaving the bus, always cross 10 feet in front of the bus. Look both ways and wait for the driver to signal you across. BE ALERT!
Transportation schedules will be mailed to each family at the end of August.
Application for Transportation to Private/Parochial Schools: Transportation Application
In compliance with Section 3635 of the New York State Education Law, a parent or guardian of children residing in the North Salem Central School District and attending a non-public school must request transportation services prior to April 1 preceding the next school year.
North Salem School District does not transport to private and parochial schools on days when the District is not in session.
Please check the website for weather/emergency closings and delays. Non-public school bus runs will follow the delay or closing.