Support for Students with Disabilities- During Emergency Closing Virtual Instruction
School districts are required to implement supports, services and accommodations, as indicated in students’ IEPs or 504 Accommodation Plans, to the best of their ability, when providing virtual instruction.
Special education teachers who provide direct/indirect consultant services will initiate outreach to their students’ general education teacher(s) to collaborate on instructional modalities and any necessary accommodations or modifications required of assignments or assessments for the day.
Special education teachers who teach resource room, self-contained special classes either content specific or specialized programs, should follow the same guidance and expectations as classroom teachers in regards to pedagogy, content, class meetings, and flexibility.
Teaching assistants are available for instructional support by way of participating in class meetings, keeping up on classroom assignments and expectations, and serving as additional academic support.
Related service providers are to provide “tele-therapy” services, to the best of their ability. Related service providers are expected to adhere to similar guidelines as other professionals in regard to student and teacher work at home, communication, and flexibility and they will use the students’ IEPs to determine an appropriate/reasonable level of communication and support.
Documentation Requirements: Special education personnel are expected to document all supports and services provided to students during this time. Document the manner, means, duration of time, follow up efforts, etc. IEP progress monitoring is required to be collected and reported to parents following the schedule listed on students’ IEPs. Medicaid session notes continue to be a requirement for eligible related service providers. Special education teachers/service providers are responsible to hold any virtual professional meetings already scheduled on a day that becomes a virtual instruction day.